
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hogwarts's Questions

The Ministry of Magic detects underage sorcery and unforgivable curses at any place where the ministry's right resides. Cruciatus, Avada Kedavra and Imperius are examples of unforgivable curses, any one caught casting them earns one free ticket to Azkabban. The situation is, Draco Malfoy Casted an imperius curse upon Madame Rosmerta at Hogsmeade that is why she was the one who gave the cursed necklace to Katie Bell and gave the poison mead to Prof. Sloghorn. The question is, why does the Ministry of Magic have not acted upon the situation? Did they detect the cursed casting or just ignored the situation? or is this an another prof that the Ministry was being infiltrated by the Death Eaters?

Just add Comment for your answers.

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