
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I Have Just Thought

I have always thought that what I am always thinking cannot find its way to negativity. Because I have always thought that my thoughts are the perfect thoughts I have ever thought and no thoughts could ever surpass my own thoughts. But the way I thought keep people on thinking whether I am still thinking that I have hurt someone’s feeling because of my selfish thoughts. But I have realized that the way I think is not good at all. I have thought again, the thought I’m keep on thinking is really the reflection of who I am, I am my thoughts and that make a big sense that I should keep on using the way I thought. But then again selfish thought it is. It is better that I should stop or just minimize the way I thought so that people will stop thinking that I am a human with a thoughts that keep on bothering other’s thoughts.

I have thought again, yes I should start changing the way I think so that I could think another thoughts that very much valuable than the thought I have thought to be the greatest thought.

I have learned that thoughts are just thoughts.

But if thoughts are being learned, you start living the thought and then you become the thought you think.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sneaking into Dumbledore's Office

I was running towards the spiral staircase behind the large gargoyle, and then when I reach it, I speak to it with the exact password “Acid Pop”. Then suddenly the gargoyle turned up exposing a spiral staircase. I step into it without hesitation, heading towards Dumbledore’s office, my target since then. When I reach the top I take my wand out from my cloak and pointed it out into the door’s handle and casted “Alohamora”. Without any intervention, the door swung wide open into the headmaster’s office, revealing the portraits of the deceased former headmasters and headmistresses of the school in the wall.

“Dumbledore wasn’t here at all” I nervously convinced myself with my heart beating unnaturally fast simply because I was afraid of being caught. I am searching for a particular ancient artifact and I am sure it was here. Revolving my eyes around the office, I saw Fawkes with a stare of get-out-of-here. But I am still certain of my target, and there it was just opposite the headmaster’s table standing firm and serine, the Pensieve.

My heart leapt with joy and caught myself running towards the object. Then with great enthusiasm I revealed a number of vials containing silver whirls of memory agitating to be released. I have picked it randomized and the one I have picked was labeled “At the beach”. With a smile and excitement I poured the silver memory into the Pensieve and I bow down into it, seeing myself falling down into nothingness. Then finally I found myself again standing beneath the cottage of the beach. I look around and searching for familiar faces but can’t find no one even myself. With a split of a second a group of noisy youngster boarded down from a yellow multicab. I took quite laugh when I saw Geraldine setting in the front sit with her father driving the car. Actually the ride was for free. Then I run towards them and saw my self among the group, God! That’s how I look? And I laughed again. The group of youngster was arguing whether this was the right venue they have agreed but because we were ashamed to let Geraldine’s father drives us again we decided to stay. And caught myself saying “Unsa man diay ang tubig didto ug diri, lain ra?” then everyone complemented the joke with a laugh. Then carrying with their respective assigned utensils they headed for a vacant cottage, and I follow them excitedly. The cottage at the end of the line is the target of the group and there they rested for awhile.

All were hungry, each of them were sneaking their hands inside the cellophane full of corn crackers and chips. With crunch and crisp they enjoy the moment. “Bal, palihug ko ninyo ug haling be, para ma sugba na dayon ang isda” can’t distinguished who delivered the line but I am sure that they were requesting Ronel Balo to set the fire to grill the fish and with Jeffrey’s helping hand they headed towards the grilling area. Girls were chatting. Stella Mariz with Aivee were intriguing Cheenee Mae for some questions. Then I saw myself busy arranging the table with Kezia assisting me. And there’s Emmabelle still sexy and beautiful with her high waist short jeans (of course she’s in jeans for she doesn’t have a plan at all to join us swimming, for it was her red day). Wow! Gracelyn peeling off the sweet potatoes. Crislee Mae is quite busy with her niece. Cute bag Crislee’s holding and it will turn to a towel “MAGIC”. Hyacinth chatting with Daisy Jane and John Rick is hectic on giving his comments about the surrounding trying to make the place a beautiful spot. This was just one of the most beautiful memories I have ever collected with my classmates.

I wasn’t able to notice that time keeps on ticking and leaving every bit of events behind. Then suddenly the whole environment turns into fog and I know why, it is because I can’t remember anything from that certain moment. And just in a second, the same place welcomed my eyes but the people around were already wet. I can’t find my self around the cottage and so with my other classmates. Then Cheenee commented in a high pitch “Hala! Layo na sila, tua na sila sa atbang o” and there I was together with Daveau, Kezia, Daisy Jane, Hyacinth, Crislee Mae, Charisma and John Rick. We merrily bounced and springed up using the inflated tire and we call it “salbabida’.

Times like this seem an eternity to imagine. From that moment on, the fog once again covered the whole surrounding which signifies the ending of my memory. I was once again letting my eyes focus on what I am staring at as I glide out my face out from the pensieve. I was shock when a silhouette of a tall and thin man with a white long beard staring straight at me. With my bulging eyes set upon the serine retina of Prof. Dumbledore I caught myself forcefully hit the floor, shocked and afraid, I utter “Professor what you doing here?”. But then again Prof. Dumbledore didn’t signify any sign of angriness upon my intrusion but rather speak with calming voice upon me “Would it be, perhaps, my prerogative to ask that intriguing question of yours, Mr. McLoz?” with great courage I stood up and explain my invasion upon his privacy “Sir, I apologize of my action, I just missed my friend so much, I need to see them sir” with a crack of my faint voice I was starting to be a little bit dramatic to be more convincing on my lines. But Prof. Dumbledore has the ability to read things beyond the realms of human imagination. He can perhaps read my mind, and I haven’t practice my occlumency yet. He then glances at me like I was being accused of a mistake in which I am fully accounted on it, and in fact I am. With a soft voice he talk to me, "tears, sometimes is the sign of grief and sorrow, and sometime we teared for laughers and joy. However, the tears I have seen in your eyes now didn’t knock even one of the two. Perhaps, you still have different things in mind and that makes those tears fall purposely." he paused without taking the stare out of me. Even if I am not staring at him, I know that his eyes were busy scrutinizing my thoughts. "Do you have something you wish to tell me?”

The question seems to be a comfort to me. It is as if a sign that the case of breaking into his room is acceptable to him, but before I can answer his question, he utter words once again "But the thing you have just recently acted, breaking into my office without any summoned from me is quite unlawful, and for that, I need a detention from you Mr. McLoz. However, I can see deeper reasons of your breaking” he then move towards his high chair that I can feel the intimidation starts to rise into my heads without power of boast he talk to me like a usual friend.” although missing our dear friends, sometimes requires unbearable and unwanted actions just to experience the feeling of being drag back to the times of happiness.” “Perhaps, you’re wondering why I haven’t stop you, for it is very much impossible that a wizard like me wouldn’t able to know what is happening and what will happen in my own office. Because at the first place I have known that your intention is very much pure and good.”

The last message of Prof. Dumbledore is much delightful in feeling. I have thought that this would create much chaos on my studies but I am wrong. “I am very sorry professor I just can’t stop myself missing my friends a lot. This will never happen again, professor” Then Dumbledore smile at me with his blue eyes over his half moon spectacles and said “are you sure this would be the last time Mr. McLoz? ” I nodded which much enthusiasm for I was deeply afraid that he will punish me, but I know that there is detention waiting for me. “Bye then, Professor” I hurriedly walk down the spiral staircase running towards the Gryffindor common room.

Two nights had already visited the Hogwarts horizon but I cannot still forget my breaking into Prof. Dumbledore’s office. As I am writing my essay for my Defense Against the Dark Arts: the Difference between werewolves and animagus, a letter is handed to me by Harry and said “Hey Mel, Dumbledore wants to give you this letter” Harry handed me small parchment with a thin slanted writing scribed in it “Thanks Harry” I said then Harry left. With trembling hands I began to read the letter.

The letter surprises me for it’s not for my detention but rather a one more trip back into my own memory.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Meaning behind the Motto

Hogwarts' Motto is Draco Dormiens Numquam Titillandus - this is the quote that appears under the Hogwarts crest on the inside of each Harry Potter book. The school motto is in Latin and means Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Elder Wand

The Elder Wand, also known as the Deathstick and the Wand of Destiny, is one of the Deathly Hallows. According to legend, whoever unites it with the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility will be the Master of Death. It is the most powerful wand that has ever existed, and is able to perform feats of magic that would normally be considered impossible. For example, it was able to fully repair another damaged wand and allow it to function normally after it had been broken.

"So the oldest brother, who was a combative man, asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence: a wand that must always win duels for its owner, a wand worthy of a wizard who had conquered Death!"

—"The Tale of the Three Brothers"

The Elder Wand was either made by the eldest of the three Peverell brothers, Antioch, or, according to legend, acquired by him from Death. It is fifteen inches long, and with a core of Thestral tail hair, "a tricky substance that only wizards that mastered death can control".

According to the Tale of the Three Brothers in The Tales of Beedle the Bard, the three Peverell brothers (Antioch Peverell, Cadmus Peverell, and Ignotus Peverell) were out traveling the world one day when they came to a treacherous river that had been known to claim many lives when attempting to cross it. The three brothers, being expert wizards, casually whipped out their wands and created a bridge out of thin air. No sooner had they proceeded to cross it however when they found a hooded figure blocking their path midway across the bridge. This hooded figure was none other than Death himself, who was outraged that he'd been cheated out of new victims. Death was cunning however and pretended to congratulate the three brothers on being clever enough to "evade" him and offered each of them a prize for their skill. Antioch, being the eldest and most boastful of the three brothers, asked Death for a wand that must always win in a duel for its master, a wand worthy of a man who had conquered Death. So Death crossed to an Elder tree near the river bank, snapped off a twig, and fashioned a wand from the twig that was fifteen inches long with the core of a Thestral hair. Death gave this wand to Antioch and promised him that the newly-created Elder Wand would be the most powerful wand in creation and would always win in a duel as he had requested. After giving the two other brothers their gifts (the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility), Death stood aside and allowed the three brothers to continue on their way. Eventually, each brother went his own way toward his home.

After killing a rival wizard in a duel shortly after obtaining the wand, Antioch drunkenly boasted of the wand's powers. He was murdered in his sleep that night, and another wizard took possession of the wand. Over time, the powerful wand passed through various owners, usually in violent circumstances, and acquired names such as "The Deathstick" and the "Wand of Destiny." Several of the wand's owners are known as its "bloody trail" is "splattered across the pages of Wizarding history." Some of its owners are as follows: Emeric the Evil, Egbert the Egregious, Godelot, Hereward Godelot, Barnabas Deverill, Loxias, and finally either Arcus or Livius.

"I was fit only to possess the meanest of them, the least extraordinary. I was fit to own the Elder Wand, and not to boast of it, and not to kill with it. I was permitted to tame and to use it, because I took it, not for gain, but to save others from it."

Albus Dumbledore on the Deathly Hallows and the Elder Wand

It eventually ended up in the ownership of the wandmaker Gregorovitch, who was trying to duplicate its powers. It was stolen from him by the Dark Wizard Gellert Grindelwald, who used it to cause havoc in Europe until he was defeated by Albus Dumbledore. The ownership of the wand then passed to him. Many years later, Severus Snape killed Dumbledore, who requested that Snape kill him to save him from a more agonizing death, and because this act was agreed on, Dumbledore would not be 'defeated', so the powers of the elder wand would be nullified. This led Voldemort, who desired the Elder Wand to conquer Harry Potter's and to render himself invulnerable, to believe ownership of the wand was Snape's, and had Nagini murder Snape so ownership would pass to him.

However, Harry Potter deduced that the true owner was in fact Draco Malfoy -- before Dumbledore died, Malfoy had disarmed him and unknowingly won possession of the wand. Nearly a year later, Harry disarmed Draco and unknowingly became the wand's master.

Harry tells Ron, Hermione, and Dumbledore's portrait he will return the Elder Wand to Dumbledore's grave.

In the Forest, Voldemort cast a Killing Curse on Harry using the Elder Wand. The wand seemingly worked because Harry intended to die at Voldemort's hand, much as Dumbledore had planned his death with Snape. This brought Harry to a brush with the afterlife (portrayed as King's Cross Station, which only happened for a few seconds after he was hit.

When the Cruciatus Curse Voldemort later cast on Harry's "dead" body caused no pain, Harry realized at that point that he was in fact the Master of the Elder Wand.

In the final confrontation in the Great Hall, Voldemort used the Elder Wand to perform the Killing Curse on Harry again. However, Harry had no intention of dying this time, and as such the wand refused to harm its true master. The curse rebounded on Voldemort, finally killing him. Harry, now the true Master and owner of the wand, used it to repair his first wand. He then returned it to Dumbledore's tomb, declaring it to be more trouble than it was worth.

Harry: "I’m putting the Elder Wand back where it came from. It can stay there. If I die a natural death like Ignotus, its power will be broken, won’t it? The previous master will never have been defeated. That’ll be the end of it."

Ron: "Are you sure?"

Hermione: "I think Harry’s right."

— Harry on his decision to give up the Elder Wand

If Harry dies naturally, then the power of the Elder Wand, whose master would not have been defeated in battle, will then be nullified (This may not be entirely true, as theoretically all one would have to do is disarm Harry by force as he did to Malfoy).

In Dumbledore's commentary on The Tale of The Three Brothers, in The Tales of Beedle the Bard, he comments that the Elder Wand, while being immensely powerful, has never been "unbeatable", as it has been beaten hundreds of times in the constant changing hands of its owners. For example, Grindelwald, though he mastered the Wand, was still defeated by Dumbledore.

By the same token, the Elder Wand does not ensure the victory of its master in a duel, nor render him or her invincible; Dumbledore mastered the Wand by defeating Grindelwald, but was still unable to decisively defeat Lord Voldemort in their duel in the Ministry of Magic.